Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary
Biblical Department
Exegetical Resource Page

~ Response Form ~

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The Biblical Department Bi216 page and the Lectionary Exegetical Study pages are intended as an experiment with the potential of the internet as an educational medium. These pages will be continued only if the response we receive is sufficient to merit it. Therefore, we are very interested in your response to these pages in several areas:
1) How has the content of the pages been useful to you in your ministry and/or professional development?
2) Do the pages "load" properly for your browser (including graphics, tables and links)?
3) How did you find out that these pages exist?
4) Have you used these pages more than once? Have you referred them to colleagues?
5) What additional material would be useful for APTS to provide?
It will greatly aid our efforts in the study of this new medium for you to take a few moments to share with us your thoughts and questions. Please feel free to make your comments on the form provided below, or you may send them directly by normal email to There is no length limit, of course, but lengthy commentary may be more efficiently divided into sections and sent in parts. Feel free to use the form as many times as you like, and thank you for your thoughtfulness in responding.

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If you are responding to one of the exegetical studies, please be sure to identify the passage and the methodological step! You may also respond from the exegetical section itself.

If responding to a particular page, please be sure to identify the page for us before commenting.

You are responder number Thanks!

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© 1998 - Dr. John E. Alsup - all rights reserved

This page was created by Dr. Alsup's capable, friendly but unfortunately impoverished Doktorand, and is maintained by incredibly competent and quickwitted Assistants. (Inquire about job openings.)
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